Workshop Description

Wicking beds and pots water themselves and are a great DIY project for the water smart gardener.

Wicking beds and pots are watered from a reservoir below the soil. Through a practical demonstration, this workshop will introduce the principles involved and give you the knowhow to build a wicking garden system at home.

There are a couple of options on how this workshop can run. If a practical and hands on workshop is required then a wicking bed can be constructed as part of the workshop. A suitable venue / community garden would be required and the cost of materials would be added to the workshop cost.

Workshop Duration

  • Up to  2  hours including Q&A

What Participants Will Learn

  • An introduction to the benefits of wicking beds and pots, and how they work
  • Different types of wicking beds and pots
  • Tips and traps in making your own
  • Practical demonstration

Topics Covered

  • The physics of wicking
  • Wicking bed benefits
  • Types of wicking beds and pots
  • Design principals
  • Materials required
  • Soil management
  • Incorporating a worm farm
  • Maintenance

What is Provided by SGA

  • Presenter who will bring the presentation on a USB stick on the day
  • Class notes will be emailed for printing and handing out at the class

What is Provided by You

  • A suitable venue and set up for the class (indoor or outdoors)
  • Laptop / projector and screen for the presentation (if indoors)
  • Copies of notes and handouts for the class
  • Catering if desired

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