September In Your Patch

September is fantastic for gardeners! So much to plant in most regions of the country.  In southern parts, the chill is almost gone from the…

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Pesticides most harmful to bees

Pesticide use is one of the factors which may be affecting bee populations worldwide. Since much of our food production depends on pollination by…

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Christmas Beetles

Most of us would be familiar with the brightly coloured, glossy and sometimes iridescent Christmas beetles. We often see them dazed and confused,…

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Controlling Mosquitoes Sustainably

Controlling mosquitoes sustainably in gardens is a challenge now that many parts of eastern Australia are experiencing such high rainfall.…

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Low Impact Pest Management 101 Video

Sustainable Gardening 101 Video Series PART 3: Low Impact Pest Management Gardens are the natural habitat for all types of insects – the good, the…

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October In Your Patch

With the weather warming up nicely, there’s no better place to be than the backyard. October is a huge month in the patch. With so many varieties to…

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Cabbage White Butterfly

Hi, my name is: Cabbage White Butterfly, lovely to meet you... Describe yourself: I am quite a striking white butterfly, Pieris rapae, with two…

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August In Your Patch

Days are getting longer, but not yet much warmer.  Plants sense the changes in day length so, in temperate regions they are waking up, but further…

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Myrtle Rust is a Spreading Problem

Myrtle rust is a spreading problem in Australia.  It is a fungus, Puccinia psidii, which affects plants in the family Myrtaceae. While there are…

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Though they look like tiny white flies or moths theses little sap suckers are a relative of aphids and mealy bugs.   You know whitefly has moved into…

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Pest Repellent Plants

Every garden is sometimes afflicted with pests - grasshoppers, cabbage white butterfly caterpillars, scale and aphids being very common.  Is it…

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Citrus Gall Wasp

Citrus gall wasp endangers productivity in gardens as well as in commercial orchards, especially in Western1 and South Australia2. So recognizing and…

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Snails & Slugs

Hi, my name is: Garden Snail Describe yourself: Like most of the snails in your garden I'm a foreigner to this land. I am a bit of a nomad,…

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Hi, my name is: Aphid. If you would like to know more about how to control aphids, read this interview with me:

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