If your plants have been munched, crunched, chomped, rasped or ripped, the most important thing to do is make sure you have correctly identified the culprit. Knowing what you’re up against is essential to know what you need to do to treat the problem.

SGA is a big fan of non-chemical pest control and prevention, such as monitoring your garden for early outbreaks, ensuring good air circulation between plants and alternative home remedies such as garlic sprays. If you choose to use a chemical, use one of the highest 6 Star-rated products from WiseGardening –  Choices to Protect You and the Planet your garden and the planet will thank you for it.

If you do use any chemical product, please read the label VERY carefully.  And to understand what the chemical terms on labels, it’s worth looking here. 

More information about pests and pest control is found on links below:

Pesticide Use

Ontario says NO to Pesticides Ahhh pesticides, a controversial subject at the best of times. Over beers with mates (bearing in mind we are ALL plant…

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Root Knot Nematode

Hi, my name is: Root Knot Nematode Describe yourself: For some reason, heaps of people are really scared of me. I don't know why, I'm just a…

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Chemical Terms

Use this guide to help you make the most sustainable decision possible when, if there is no alternative, you need to use chemicals. Active…

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Queensland Fruit Fly

Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni) Queensland Fruit Fly was found in metropolitan Melbourne in January 2008. This is a matter of very great…

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European & English Wasps

(Vespula germanica and Vespula vulgaris) These closely related wasps are the scourge of Australian gardeners and barbecuers alike, with the ability…

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Hi, my name is: Weevil Describe yourself: At just about any stage of my life cycle, I freely admit to being no super model. I am most easily…

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Red Spider Mite

Hi, my name is: Two-spotted Mite (or Red Spider mite to my friends)

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What are Pesticides?

Pesticides include insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, which are designed to kill insects, weeds and diseases respectively. Using pesticides may…

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