The following stories have all been submitted by the wonderful members of our SGA community… sustainable gardeners just like you! Enjoy.

Yackandandah Community Garden is blooming marvellous

Yackandandah is an historic country town tucked away in foothills of the Stanley State Forest in north east Victoria. It is a warm place with a…

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A New Life Through Gardening

Part of the pleasure of gardening comes in the sharing of plants, seeds, learning and experience with other gardeners. There are so many stories of…

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Vegetable Patch From Scratch: Part 3

Despite the few very hot days we experienced in Melbourne the vegetable garden survived. I used shade cloth during the day and by the evening the…

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A Queensland Patch

Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes, Director of The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at Queensland University of Technology…

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Vegetable Patch from Scratch

This is the first in a series of 3 contributed

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Sustainable Wicking Worm Bed

Progress Updated March 2013 When I built my first wicking worm bed 10 months ago, it was a test bed designed to gain experience with the process.  My…

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Grow Your Own – A Reader’s Story

As we Australians seem to get busier, there is a growing urgency for a chance to reverse the trend and STOP and take time to share with others around…

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The Importance of Heritage Fruit Trees

This post has been submitted by one of SGA's Cuttings readers. See the bottom of this post for info on how you too can contribute to our website. In…

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Hydroponic Gardening

This post has been submitted by one of SGA's Cuttings readers. See the bottom of this post for info on how you too can contribute to our website.…

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My Shed Mosaic

I'm an avid…

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Greening a Harsh Environment

Hillside, in Melbourne's outer north-western suburbs, is experiencing a housing boom. New streets and homes are springing up everywhere. But it's one…

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Sue McKinnon’s Garden

Location: Rosanna, Victoria This garden won the Banyule City Council 'Best Residential Sustainable Garden' award for 2003-2004. Sue runs a gardening…

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