Weed Control

Several different approaches are needed for weed control since eradication is difficult and can be expensive. Preventing weeds from establishing and…

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Prevent Pests in Your Garden

If you can prevent pests in your garden you will save time, resources and money as well as helping your garden flourish. Effective pest control is…

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Pesticides most harmful to bees

Pesticide use is one of the factors which may be affecting bee populations worldwide. Since much of our food production depends on pollination by…

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Christmas Beetles

Most of us would be familiar with the brightly coloured, glossy and sometimes iridescent Christmas beetles. We often see them dazed and confused,…

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Controlling Mosquitoes Sustainably

Controlling mosquitoes sustainably in gardens is a challenge now that many parts of eastern Australia are experiencing such high rainfall.…

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Low Impact Pest Management 101 Video

Sustainable Gardening 101 Video Series PART 3: Low Impact Pest Management Gardens are the natural habitat for all types of insects – the good, the…

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All About Weeds

Let’s find out more about why we call some plants weeds and why they are not all really bad.  So that we can think usefully about removing unwanted…

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Cabbage White Butterfly

Hi, my name is: Cabbage White Butterfly, lovely to meet you... Describe yourself: I am quite a striking white butterfly, Pieris rapae, with two…

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Myrtle Rust is a Spreading Problem

Myrtle rust is a spreading problem in Australia.  It is a fungus, Puccinia psidii, which affects plants in the family Myrtaceae. While there are…

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Green Manure

If you have a bit of space in your garden, growing green manures or cover crops is a great way to improve soil fertility and add organic matter to…

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Though they look like tiny white flies or moths theses little sap suckers are a relative of aphids and mealy bugs.   You know whitefly has moved into…

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Early Blight of Tomatoes

Hi, my name is: Early Blight of Tomatoes, nice to meet you

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Pest Repellent Plants

Every garden is sometimes afflicted with pests - grasshoppers, cabbage white butterfly caterpillars, scale and aphids being very common.  Is it…

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Citrus Gall Wasp

Citrus gall wasp endangers productivity in gardens as well as in commercial orchards, especially in Western1 and South Australia2. So recognizing and…

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