To make the most efficient use of water - either from mains supplies or from tanks - irrigation systems provide an answer, They minimise evaporation, let water drip slowly so that it is not wasted and can be placed just where needed.

Busy person’s guide to watering systems for vegetable gardening

Suddenly working late / starting early, needing to go there / do that, results  in "oh my god you said you would water the garden for me"…

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Irrigation Systems – Video

Take the irritation out of irrigation and go sub-surface. It’s fast, efficient and it makes the most of every precious drop. Go on your garden will…

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Irrigation in an Arid Nation

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth and despite the fact that we are surrounded by water, there is precious little of the stuff to…

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Sub-surface Irrigation Systems

For many of us, watering the garden has always been a bit of a “hit and miss”, and all too often it seems like too much hard work. To take the stress…

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Watering Methods

There are many different ways to water your garden. The most important thing is not to over or underwater. It is easy to forget to turn off a…

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