We Love Tools – Video

    The behind-the-scenes…

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Beat the Heat – with a DIY Sunshade

Many parts of Australia get scorchingly hot over summer. As I write this, it is 36C outside and our garden is shimmering in the late afternoon heat.…

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Irrigation Systems – Video

Take the irritation out of irrigation and go sub-surface. It’s fast, efficient and it makes the most of every precious drop. Go on your garden will…

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Cheap Tools are for Fools!

Like most people, I enjoy my gardening, but have to do so on a fairly tight budget (as they say, horticulture is a job you do for love, not money!).…

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Protecting Plants in Hot Weather

As our climate warms and the frequency of very hot days increases, the risk of plants being damaged increases too. It’s good to start thinking about…

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SGA Footprint Flicks – We Love Tools

The behind-the-scenes tour of where…

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