What we do in the garden has many impacts on our natural environment. In thinking about design it is important to consider if it fosters biodiversity, if maintaining it will use more water than our rather arid continent can support, if it avoids contributing to the spread of invasive plants, if it will need pesticides or herbicides which will enter stormwater and pollute waterways. Here are some tips to get your garden on the sustainability track right from the beginning.

When establishing or renewing gardens, the first thing to do is to develop a concept of the layout and what you want from the garden. Do you really want or need an expanse of lawn with beds for shrubs just around the edges? What are the features of gardens that contribute to sustainability? There’s lots to consider – low environmental impact materials, water conservation, provision of habitat for wildlife, energy efficiency to name just a few.

Penny Woodward and Sustainability

SGA chatted with notable organic gardener and author, Penny Woodward, asking her questions about her life and sustainability. What was Penny's life…

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A Return to Nature – Organic Design

In a previous article on Wellbeing Gardening I summarised the research regarding the strong links between health and well-being and nature, but more…

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Diverting Rubbish from Landfill: Recycled Treasures

“My garden is chock-a-block with rescued plants, rescued pots & garden furniture, mirrors, birdcages, wheelbarrows, barrel hoops, ladders and all…

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Greening Cities

Although beautiful old gardens are disappearing, there are initiatives to green cities.  As old houses are pulled down to make way for new large…

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Gift Ideas for Sustainable Gardeners

If you're like me, come the beginning of December, I'm scratching my head to think of suitable presents that might be appreciated by the recipients.…

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Designing Productive Gardens

Few things can be quite as satisfying as growing your own vegetables, herbs and fruit. The quality and freshness of home grown produce combined with…

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Josh Byrne – SGA Patron

SGA caught up recently with our patron, Josh Byrne, to hear how he became interested in sustainability, and what he’s up to with the team at Josh…

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Wicking Beds – Video

Loved by many, enjoyed by few. The ultimate ‘How-to’ guide for creating and enjoying your very own garden wicking bed. And once the plants have been…

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Irrigation Systems – Video

Take the irritation out of irrigation and go sub-surface. It’s fast, efficient and it makes the most of every precious drop. Go on your garden will…

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DIY Water Tank – Video

So you want to store water but you don’t have the big bucks for a glamorous tank? Fear not, you can still have water. Learn how to turn and old…

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Going Grey Water – Video

  Just be thankful you’ve got any water at all, even if it has been around the block once or twice before. But treat it with caution and ensure…

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Which Tank – Video

You are about to embark on a relationship that will be long and lasting. And as there is no ‘d-i-v-o-r-c-e’ in tank world, let us help you get it…

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Wheeley Good Green Waste Solutions – Video

  Ever felt like the third wheel? Now you know how the green bin feels. It’s here for good and not for evil, so treat it right and feed it nice.…

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Trees, not Just for Hugging – Video

  Think like a Koala and take a…

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DIY Composting Videos

  Composting food and garden…

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