What we do in the garden has many impacts on our natural environment. In thinking about design it is important to consider if it fosters biodiversity, if maintaining it will use more water than our rather arid continent can support, if it avoids contributing to the spread of invasive plants, if it will need pesticides or herbicides which will enter stormwater and pollute waterways. Here are some tips to get your garden on the sustainability track right from the beginning.

When establishing or renewing gardens, the first thing to do is to develop a concept of the layout and what you want from the garden. Do you really want or need an expanse of lawn with beds for shrubs just around the edges? What are the features of gardens that contribute to sustainability? There’s lots to consider – low environmental impact materials, water conservation, provision of habitat for wildlife, energy efficiency to name just a few.

Beat the Heat – with a DIY Sunshade

Many parts of Australia get scorchingly hot over summer. As I write this, it is 36C outside and our garden is shimmering in the late afternoon heat.…

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Wicking Beds

Wicking beds are one of the gardening innovations which have become mainstream. You know, I’ve been doing this horticulture thing for a while, and…

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Native Lawns

It may surprise you to learn that not all native grasses are tall feature plants. In fact in parts of Australia, pasture is composed almost entirely…

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Grow a Garden for Wildlife – Excerpts from Webinar

Get a few tips about creating a garden which is wildlife-friendly.  Here are some excerpts from our webinars.  They feature suggestions about…

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Permeable Surfaces

  Permeable paths and driveways can help water nearby plants and reduce pollution of waterways with fertilisers and pesticides which run off…

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Generally when we think of backyard habitat, we think of beautiful birds and butterflies, fantastic frogs, persistent possums and a host of other…

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7 Ideas for Designing and Landscaping a Backyard Naturescape Playground

The concepts of sustainability and providing a better future for our younger generations are intertwined with physical and mental health. We can…

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Sustainable Garden Design

Principles Getting started Your needs, wants and budget Take your time The design Selecting plants Special elements Plant selection Plant placement –…

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Starting Your Own Vegie Patch

If you would prefer to just focus on designing and starting a vegie patch rather than a whole garden, here is a description of how to do it - even on…

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Sustainable Garden Furniture

Even if we live in an apartment, most of us have some sort of garden furniture – even if it is just one chair. Traditionally made out of wood, tables…

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Greening Cities

Although beautiful old gardens are disappearing, there are initiatives to green cities.  As old houses are pulled down to make way for new large…

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Are You Setting the Trend?

Are you following the current gardening trends or are you an individualist? Trends develop because of changes in the rest of the world, such as…

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